Printmaking Barcelona

| Printmaking|
Printmaking Barcelona is located in the heart of Barcelona, a few meters from La Rambla and accessible from any type of transport. It is located at Plaza Bonsuccés, which has more than 120 meters divided into different areas to make each printmaking process more comfortable. It has a 50m2 room for working on the plates/screens, equipped with two large tables and the necessary machinery to work on them. In another room we find a printing area with a 160x80cm Ribes press. The studio also has a room with a resin pot and trays with mordants for different metals.
The purpose of Printmaking Barcelona is to share, teach and learn about chalcographic techniques, providing a space dedicated to this artistic discipline and with the experience of more than 50 years in the field. The studio has been active for over 30 years, in which there have been many artists who have passed through here creating a multitude of works combining techniques such as: etching, aquatint, carbourund, black manner, collages, linoleum, xylography... For a year now, the studio has also had machinery and materials to carry out screen printing and photoengraving work. The chalcographic engraving offer is infinite and just as we like to make artists see the possibilities they have to work on their works, obtaining extraordinary results.
The space has: 3 Tórculos. 1 Ribes press of 160x80cm; 1 Reig Torculo of 128x58cm; 1 Reig Press of 120x38cm. 2 large inking tables, 2 200x80cm tables to work 160x80cm bucket to wet paper, large resin bowl, Large tray with mordant for copper Medium, trays for other mordents, Insolator for Screen Printing and Photopolymer of 130x100cm.