International artistic program between Paris and Barcelona
R.A.R.O. Barcelona - Yellow Cube Gallery Paris - OpenBach Paris
OpenBach Paris, Yellow Cube Gallery Paris and R.A.R.O. Barcelona are pleased to announce the open call for artists to participate in the third edition of the European Artistic Program during the months of May and June 2024 to develop production and research projects at our studios in Barcelona and Paris. The program includes a final group exhibition at the parisian art contemporary gallery Yellow Cube Gallery at the end of the program.
The Open Call is aimed at both emerging and established artists from all nationalities and backgrounds.
There are two options to choose from:
Option 1: May 6th to 2nd June 2024
Option 2: June 3rd to 30th 2024
*Each option includes a Group Show at the end of the month.
What do we offer?
In Barcelona:
Immerse yourself in the art practice during two weeks in a local studio.
Exchanging practices with local artists and exposing your artistic process to curators, theorists and other art enthusiasts of the local art scene.
Introduction to the Barcelona artistic and cultural scene.
Conceptual and theoretical follow up of the artistic process.
In Paris:
Immerse yourself in the art practice during one week in a local shared studio.
Visit street art Paris 13 / Discovery of the Openbach frescoes.
Introduction to the parisian artistic and cultural scene.
Meet with a gallerist of 13 District who will exchange ideas on your artistic practice.
Conceptual and theoretical follow up of the artistic process.
Exhibit in a parisian gallery for a week at the end of your residency at the Yellow cube Gallery.
800€ for a 4 weeks program + final group exhibition in Paris.
What is included?
2 weeks studio and conceptual/theoretical follow-up in Barcelona.
1 week studio and conceptual/theoretical follow-up in Openbach Paris 13 Gallery studio.
1 week group exhibition at the Yellow cube Gallery (at the end of your process) in Paris.
Basic materials.
What is not included?
Accommodation Transportation / Travel / Food
Specific materials
DEADLINE: March 11th 2024