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Contorno Urbano

|Urban Art|Urban Forniture|Architecture|

Our organization develops our main activity on three axes: creativity, people and public spaces. We perform between two and three weekly productions, the majority of them in the public spaces except for the workshops with partners  and the gallery of the organization which is located in our headquarters.

The methodology is based on using tools of participatory processes, detecting needs or pathologies of the city, designing solutions with citizens and executing these interventions together, whenever possible, involving the local community in all phases of the project. Our work leads artists to work with educational centers, people at risk of social exclusion, groups with special needs (functional diversity, etc.), and other local entities in the third sector and neighbors in the intervention area.


Usually, with these participants, the design of the intervention and its execution are carried out by the community, except for large-scale interventions that require machinery (crane) or other special cases.


The gallery of the organization aims to promote young artists and the activity of our foundation. The benefits obtained from the sale in the exhibitions are dedicated to the project chosen by the buyer of the art-work. The percentage corresponding to the artist is paid fully to him/her.



The studio is about 20m2 and the gallery 30 m2 although most of the productions are being held in public spaces which makes it impossible to quantify because usually each project is developed in a different place. We also have space for the artist in residency to work with his PC as a study or office.

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